Wednesday, May 02, 2012

History's Greatest Decision - Zaman Ribuan Tahun BP

Antara yang dicatat sebagai History's Greatest Decision period ribuan tahun before present (BP) - dipetik dari buku HGD:

3. The first farmers - circa 12,000 BP (before present). 

Siapa? Hunter-gatherers and farmers in the Fertile Cresent. Apa puncanya? The right conditions for the first adoption of farming. Apa impaknya? The greatest social change in the history of community.

2. The migration out of Africa - circa 70,000 BP. 

Siapa? A small band of early modern humans in East Africa; Apa puncanya? People looking across a stretch of water wondering what the land on the other side is like. Apa impaknya? The spread of human being around the world.

1. The first stone tools - circa 2.6 million years BP.Dikatakan berlaku di Afrika Timur. 

Siapa? Homo habilis or another species of early humans. Apa puncanya? The changing environment of East Africa during the Pliocene/Pleistocene transition. Apa impaknya? The evolution of our ability to make decisions.

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