Saturday, May 05, 2012

History's Greatest Decision Period BC

Berikut pula antara yang dicatat sebagai History's Greatest Decision period tahun-tahun Sebelum Masehi BC - dipetik dari buku HGD:

6. Julius Caesar crosses the rubicon - 49 BC.

Siapa? Caesar, Pompey, and the citizens of the Roman Republic. Apa puncanya? Julius Caesar, standing on the banks of a river, thinks about what to do next. Apa implikasinya? The Roman Empire replacing the Roman Republic.

5. Ashoka the Great renounces war - circa 262 BC.

Siapa? Ashoka the Great and the people of the Mauryan Empire. Apa puncanya? The man who started a war of conquest becomes disgusted by its terrible consequences. Apa impaknya? Empire ruled on the principles of nonviolence and tolerance, the spread of the Buddhist faith.

4. Siddhartha Gotama Goes in search of enlightenment - circa sixth century BC.

Siapa? Siddharta Gotama, aka the Buddha. Apa puncanya? A young man leaves his family to search for enlightment. Apa impaknya? The beginnings of the Buddha faith.

3. The Athenians Choose Democracy - 508 BC.

Siapa? The citizens of Athens. Apa puncanya? The city-state of Athens emerges from a period of tyranny. Apa impaknya? The first attempt ata democratice system of government.

2. The Egyptian and Hittite Peace Treaty - circa 1259 BC.

Siapa? The Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II and the Hattite king Hattusili III. Apa puncanya? An attempt by warring empires to find a peaceful way of settling their differences. Apa impaknya? A mutually beneficial peace treaty.

1. The Sumerians begin to write - circa 3400 BC.

Siapa? The scribes of the Sumerian city of Uruk [scribes = jurutulis]. Apa puncanya? The need for a method of keeping track of an increasing amount of information in an expending city. Apa impaknya? The first use of true writing.

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