Friday, May 11, 2012

History's Greatest Decision - Period Sehingga 1300M

Antara yang dicatat sebagai History's Greatest Decision period awal Masehi sehingga tahun 1300 Masehi - dipetik dari buku HGD:

3. The Magna Carta - 1215M

Siapa? King John, the barons, and the freemen of England. Apa puncanya? The increasingly despotic rule of a monarch. Apa impaknya? The first expression of the constitutional rights and liberty.

2. Constantine converts to Christianity - circa 306-307.

Siapa? Constantine, his mother and the Christians of the Roman Empire.Apa puncanya? The early history of the Christian Church. Apa impaknya? Christianity became the official religion of the empire.

1. Paul on the road to Damascus - period from 32 to 36 AD

Siapa? St Paul and and the early Christians. Apa puncanya? A man sets out a journey from Jerusalem to Damascus. Apa impaknya? The development of Christianity into a major religion.

Kabin kafe mampu makan, LBN

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