Monday, June 27, 2016

Grand Vizier Rustem Pasha (d.1561)


Rustem Pasya adalah tokoh Ottoman pada period Suleyman (r.1512-1566). Rustem terlibat dalam pembunuhan Mustafa yang ketika itu adalah pembesar Ottoman yang menjadi calun utama mengganti Suleyman. Isteri Suleyman bernama Hurrem Sultan berkomplot bersama Rustem Pasya untuk menaikan salah seorang anak Hurrem bagi mengganti Suleyman. Komplot inilah yang membawa kepada pebmunuhan Mustafa.

Rustem Pasya yang memegang jawatan Grand Vizier adalah juga menantu kepada Suleyman. Beliau mengahwini anak Hurrem Sultan. Sebagai pembesar Rustem pastinya mempunyai pengaruh yang kuat. Satu petikan dari sebuah artikel ada memuatkan info mengenai kekayaan Rustem yang ditinggal ketika kematian beliau.

Petikan (link):

While the Prince Mustafa, the heir of the Ottoman Empire which spread over three continents, being murdered, the Grand Vizier Rüstem Pasha was murdered in his bed. When we look at the wealth that Rüstem Pasha left behind, an image will appear in the reader’s eye about the power that bureaucracy had in “century”. A thousand and 700 slaves, two thousand and nine hundred horses, a thousand  and 160 camels, 780 thousand coins-i hasene, five thousand hilat, one thousand and  100 gold üsküf, two thousand cargo seals, two thousand armor, 100 silver saddles, 500 jeweled golden saddles, 130 pairs of golden stirrups, 760 jeweled swords, one thousand and 500 silvery helmets, a thousand silvered Şeşper. Approximately one thousand farms in Anatolia and Rumelia, this wealth would be considered tremendously even today.

Rustem Pasha Mosque (wiki)

Built during 1561-63 and located in Eminonu, Istanbul, this is an Imperial Ottoman mosque of great significance. It was designed by the famed Imperial Architect Mimar Sinan for the Grand Vizier Damat Rüstem Pasha, husband of Princess Mihrimah, daughter of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman “the Magnificent”.

Source: my city dot com - link.

Baca juga rustem pasha - wiki.

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