Thursday, May 12, 2016

Selim I vs Ahmad dan Korkut


Sedikit catatan tentang Selim I vs Ahmad dan Korkut:

Menurut İnalcık, “The Ottoman Succession" -  For example, As the sons of Bayezid II, Ahmed, Korkud and Selim, began to compete for the throne in early sixteenth century, Ahmed was most probable candidate for the throne because of his strong network and support. Both Ahmed and Korkud lost their credit because of their inertia and failure to suppress the Shahquli/Şahkulu rebellion (1509–11). Selim effectively used the rhetoric that he could suppress the rebellion and solve the Safavid problem, thereby he attracted the support of the janissaries and Sipahis of Rumelia for they believed that Selim seemed to be more courageous and having more zeal to engage in gaza to expand the lands of Islam.

Source: Sulayman executed Mustafa page 7/37 (link)


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