Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Karektiristik Sejarawan Islam Menurut Dona Straley

Dalam tesis Straley m/s 8 beliau menulis tentang ciri-ciri sejarah Islam menurut perspektif sejarawan Islam. Beliau menyebut bahawa:

For the Islamic historian, the "Golden Age" lies in the past, generally in the first few decades of Islam. Depending upon his religio-political persuasion, his economic situation, and his intellectual outlook, he may choose as his model the umma of Muhammad at Medina, the caliphate of  'Ali, or some other period during these early years. Because the Islamic historian looks to this period in the past as the high point of his society, he will never be satisfied with the society in which he lives unless he believes that it has correctly followed the laws and ideals formulated in the earlier period. As a corollary to this, his view of the world is almost totally dominated by Islam; his ideal society is Islamic. He does not criticize the basic tenets of Islam, and matters which he considers harmful or derogatory to it are suppressed. Biblical history especially is generally founded on the Qur'an and highly Islamicized.

Penghujung saie - Marwah

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