Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Tesis Mengenai Averroes

Ibn Rusyd atau Averroes merupakan seorang tokoh filosofi ternama pada zaman silam Islam. Hingga kini banyak kajian yang dilakukan oleh sarjana akademik berkaitan pemikiran dan sumbangan Averroes kepada filosofi Islam.

Berikut disenarai beberapa judul tesis berkaitan Averroes:

"Natural justice under the scope of rethoric: the written and the unwritten laws in Ibn Rushd's political and legal philosophy". Tesis PhD Islamic Studies oleh Feriel Bouhafa, Georgetown University tahun 2016. Link - georgetown.

"The Other Averroes: revealed law and the craft of juristic disagreement". Tesis oleh Mourad Laabdi, Dept for the Study of Religion, Toronto University. Link - utoronto.

"Kajian perbandingan antara pemikiran Al-Ghazali dan Ibn Rusyd dalam falsafah sains". Tesis phd oleh Esa Khalid, UM tahun 2004. Link - studentsrepo um.

"Causality in Al-Ghazali, Averroes and Aquinas". Tesis phd oleh Majid Fakhry, Dept of Philosophy, Edinburgh Uni, tahun 1949.

"The incoherence of the intellectuals: Ibn Rushd, al-Ghazali, al-Jabari, and Tarabichi in eight centuries of dialogue without dialogue". Tesis MA oleh Katharine Louis Wright, Texas University. Link - utexas.

"God's knowledge and the concept of predestination in the thought of Averroes and St Thomas Aquinas: a comparative study. Tesis MA oleh Ismail Mohamed, St Andrews Uni 1985. Link - divinity st andrews.

"Between philosophy and the law: Ibn Rushd, Leo Strauss, and the demands of the City". Tesis MA McMaster Uni 2010. Link - mcmaster.

Folder: DT50 Tesis Averroes.

Buku tentang Averroes boleh baca di sini - link.

Paris Observatory
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