Thursday, November 02, 2023

Kontroversi Ibn Ishaq

Kalau kita cari bacaan yang merujuk tentang Ibn Ishaq akan ada berbagai. Ada yang bersetuju, memuji dan ada juga marah dan menolak.

Antara yang menolak seperti mana artikel 'Muhammad and the Jews according to Ibn Ishaq' yang terbit dalam the levantine review 2013 (link). 

Abstract nya menyebut -  this paper examines the phenomenon of anti-Semitism in the Muslim world, shedding light on one component of the Islamic tradition, namely, the earliest extant biography of the Prophet Muhammad, the Sirat Rasul Allah, or The Life of the Prophet of God by Ibn Ishaq (d.767 CE.).

Baca juga 'Muhammad bin Ishaq menurut perspektif Nuqqad dan Muhaddithin' oleh fauzi deraman api um 2010 (link). 

Abstract - The status of narration by Muhammad bin Ishaq which involve stories in al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah has been an essential issue. His position and authority towards narration of traditions particularly in al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah has being debated among nuqqad and muhaddithin from generation to generation. Some unbiased and fair assessments are identified to clarify this situation. 


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