Thursday, July 07, 2016

Sesetengah Perspektif Barat Terhadap Sejarah Islam

Straley turut menulis perspektif sejarawan Barat silam terhadap sejarah Islam (m/surat 12).

The work of Julius Wellhausen on the Rashiddun and Umayyad caliphs was partly an attempt to determine the trends and motives of early Islamic historians, but is unfortunately marred by his anti-'Abbasid bias and his emphasis on the Western concept of the nation-state.

DS Margoliouth felt that biography was a sufficient introduction to a historian and this is an attitude that persists to the present day, with many scholars simply raiding historical texts for a few "facts".

Franz Rosenthal, in the attempt to present a unified study of Muslim historiography, is totally uncritical of early Islamic writers and accepts at face value their own - often platitudinous - statements on the purpose of their work.

The one recent study of an Islamic historical writer, Abu Mithnaf, is unfortunately hampered by the fact that none of his writings have survived intact, and can only be dealt with piecemeal through their citation or quotation in the works of later writers.

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