Sunday, December 17, 2023

Buku Richard Bell - The Origin of Islam in it's Christian Environment (1925)

Richard Bell menerbit sebuah buku mengenai Nabi Muhamad dan Islam. Buku berjudul The Origin of Islam in it's Christian Environment. Buku diterbit pada 1926. Buku berasas kandungan lecture yang disampaikan oleh Bell dalam siri The Gunning Lectures di Edinburgh Uni pada tahun 1925.


The Eastern Church and the Christian environment of Arabia; Christianity in South Arabia and its influence upon the Arabs in general; The beginning of Muhammad's religious activity; The moulding of the Prophet; The attitude of the Prophet towards Christianity; The Christian populations at the Arab conquest; Christians influences in early Islam.

Folder: Atq 2023 april 1 Madinah Jews.

Restoran Nooodles, KLIA

The word for noodles in English was borrowed in the 18th century from the German word Nudel (German: [ˈnuːdl̩]). The German word likely came from Knodel or Nutel, and referred to any dumpling, though mostly of wheat.

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