Saturday, April 29, 2017

Tesis Ottoman Kurun 15 dan 16


Bagi menambah info tentang sejarah Ottoman sekitar tahun 1400an dan 1500an ada dua tesis yang berkaitan.

Bacaan paling releven "Mirror for the Sultan : State Ideology in the Early Ottoman Chronicles, 1300-1453". Tesis phd Ghent Univ 2015. [DT50 abu muslim].

Kurun ke15: "Mirrors of the World: Alexander Romances and the Fifteenth Century Ottoman Sultanate" Tesis phd UCLA, 2017. Tebal 281 m/surat.

Kurun ke16: "Depicting the other: Qizilbash image in the 16th century Ottoman historiography". Tesis MA Bilkent University, 2013. Tebal 171 m/surat.

Bagi period awal penubuhan Ottoman iaitu sekitar 1300an ada sebuah artikel "Arguments towards the rising of Ottoman Empire". Artikel tebal 20 m/surat.

Folder DT50 1 2021 tesis edin.

Ghent University

Baca "Erasmus experience in Gent, Belgium" - link.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

tesis ottoman visions of the west 15th to 17th century



ottoman visions of the west 15th to 17th centuries. MA thesis, McGill University 2014. 170 pages.


Sunday, April 23, 2017

tesis ottoman 1583-1620



The involvement of the English Crown and its embassy in Constantinople with pretenders to the throne of the principality of Moldavia between the Years 1583 and 1620, with particular reference to the pretender Stefan Bogdan between 1590 and 1612. Laura Jane Fenella Coulter, University of London. 507 pages

folder: hzq 2021 ottoman mustafa


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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Tesis Ottoman-Safavid (1501-1618)


Ottoman dan Safavid sering bertelagah dan bertempur di medan perang sepanjang period beberapa sultan. Di sudut lain ada juga usaha memperbaiki hubungan sosial antara mereka. Ada kajian yang melihat sudut sejarah antara hubungan mereka. Elok juga baca sebuah tesis yang bertajuk "Gifts in Motion: Ottoman-Safavid Cultural Exchange, 1501-1618. Tesis phd oleh Sinem Arcak, Minnesota University 2012. Tebal 371 pages.

Folder: Hzq 2021 Ottoman Mustafa.


Anamur Marmure Castle - an old castle in Turkey

travel turkey - link


Masjid di perkarangan Mamure Castle

Ottoman menguasai Mamure Castle pada 1469

sumber wiki

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